The aggregate category contains data on CO2 emissions aggregated by country and global region. Values represent all CO2 emissions related to the combustion and flaring of fossil fu…
This category gives the saving possible by use of renewable technologies in the UK. Note that this category is primarily a look-up for /home/heating/uk.
Life cycle dataset, source publication references. Lists sources of data for ICE life cycle analysis dataset, including title, author(s), year of publicaiton and ISBN Summary The I…
A methodology details how emissions should be calculated, recommending or requiring use of a particular data set - see the Standards page for a full definition. Below is a list of …
This category contains a list of molecular mass ratios to be used by other category's algorithms. There are no profile item values in this category, since it is simply a data store…
This category lists the typical floor areas for a variety of UK home types. Note that this category is primarily a look-up category for /home/heating/uk.
This category contains data concerning the 'global warming potential' (GWP) of various greenhouse gases. Global warming potentials (GWP's) are factors which describe the relative w…
The category at /planet/oxidationfactors contains default factors for the level of oxidation achieved in the combustion of several types of fuel. The data is sourced from a number …
This category contains data on the greenhouse gases - or groups of greenhouse gases - which are typically emitted in association with particular industrial processes. The advice or…
Grid electricity dataset. Describes the annual transmission losses occuring within the primary distribution networks of the United States. Summary This dataset describes the annual…
This category contains a list of heating types (systems) for a variety of fuels and gives associated efficiency. This category is primarily a look-up category for /home/heating/uk.
The datasets and methodologies page offers a brief description of a number of Discover's most important sources together with links into pages which give further details on them. T…
Benchmark dataset. Disclosed emissions for companies reporting to the UK Government's Carbon Reduction Commitment initiative. UK. Summary This dataset describes greenhouse gas emis…
The category /transport/train/route/stations contains details of train stations which are used in the Train route category. At present only a single subcategory exists which contai…
This category contains CO2 emissions factors for each electricity generation method used to supply grid electricity. It is a look-up category and so profile items should not be cre…
Benchmark dataset. Disclosed emissions and financial intensity metric for companies reporting to the Carbon Disclosure Project during the calendar year 2010. Globally applicable. S…
This page represents a dataset describing the physical properties for a number of fossil- and biofuels. The data originates from the UK government department DEFRA, as published in…
This category contains data on the typical emissions associated with domestic electrical appliance usages in the UK per either individual or household.
NB: this site contains methodologies, models, data and calculators that are in development as a prototype service.
As such, you must not rely on it to be up to date with the latest information.
If you would like to get involved in using, developing or supporting this service, please get involved.