CDP emissions and financial metrics

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Benchmark dataset. Disclosed emissions and financial intensity metric for companies reporting to the Carbon Disclosure Project during the calendar year 2010. Globally applicable.


This dataset describes corporate greenhouse gas emissions and associated financial intensity metrics as reported to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). The data refers specifically to disclosures made during 2010.

The dataset

This dataset provides a number of metrics which describe the energy and emissions performance of over 600 companies. The dataset has been cleansed to normalize all financial metrics to a common set of reference units (kg/USD) and to remove those companies for which financial metrics are deemed unreliable (see below). The following types of data are provided for each company.

  1. Reporting period start date
  2. Reporting period end date
  3. Disclosed emissions for scope 1 activities, tonnes
  4. Disclosed emissions for scope 2 activities, tonnes
  5. Total energy consumption associated with scope 1 activities, megawatt hours
  6. Total energy consumption associated with scope 2 activities, megawatt hours
  7. Scope 2 electricity consumption (scope 2), megawatt hours
  8. Scope 2 heat consumption (scope 2), megawatt hours
  9. Scope 2 steam consumption (scope 2), megawatt hours
  10. Scope 2 cooling consumption (scope 2), megawatt hours
  11. Type of financial metric (e.g. revenue, EBITDA)
  12. Emissions intensity per unit financial metric, kg/USD
  13. Absolute value of financial metric, USD
Further explanatory information for some of these data is provided below.

Reporting Period

These values - start and end dates - simply represent the precise calendar year for which the company disclosure is representative.

Types of financial metric

Under the CDP, companies can choose the basis on which they make a financial based estimate of emissions intensity. Most companies report on the basis of revenue (e.g. tonnes of GHGs per unit of revenue), but others use earnings before tax (EBITDA), profit or other financial metrics. In some cases, a company will provide multiple intensity estimates based alternative financial metrics.

Emissions intensity

All companies for which no estimate of emissions intensity are provided have been discarded from this dataset. Where estimates of emissions intensity are present, these have been normalized into a common set of reference units - kg per USD - to enable easy comparisons between companies. The original dataset quotes these metrics in a variety of currencies (USD, GBP, EUR, YEN, etc.), multiples of currencies (e.g. 1000's, 1,000,000's) and a variety of mass units (e.g. kilograms, metric tonnes).

Absolute financial intensity values

Since each company provides (1) a total quantity of emissions (in tonnes), and (2) a measure of emissions per unit of some financial metric (e.g. revenue, profit), this means that the implied, absolute value of this metric can be obtained by simply dividing the former by the latter. This implied value is also availble within this dataset. In some cases, these implied values do not correspond closely with other independently available financial data for the respective company, suggesting that the financial metric has been erroneously calculated. In these cases, the company's data has been discarded as unreliable.

J9R9OEYDB6OR 3M Company, USA, Industrial Conglomerates, Revenue
D5Y3L88WCWNN ABB, Switzerland, Industrial Machinery, Revenue
U4QWNG85GY1U Abbott Laboratories, USA, Pharmaceuticals, Revenue
87FPWFGMUZFI ABENGOA+B2, Spain, Construction & Engineering, Revenue
PMCE6E98RGY8 Abertis Infraestructuras, Spain, Highways & Railtracks, Turnover
I40686GAU9R8 AbitibiBowater Inc. (formerly known as Abitibi-Consolidated Inc.), Canada, Paper Products, Revenue
AT0UFV90APSI ACC, India, Construction Materials, Revenue
XBYNHMMV3P48 ACCIONA, Spain, Construction & Engineering, Revenue
70JLO9OE6XVS Accor, France, Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines, Revenue
FR6YH7AK41IP ACEA SpA, Italy, Multi-Utilities, EBITDA
A1JBNCGUMUFK ACEA SpA, Italy, Multi-Utilities, Revenue
ZHL3JGNHB935 Acme-McCrary Corporation, USA, Textiles, EBITDA
CPCOTX3CJX5E ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios, Spain, Construction & Engineering, Revenue
M9JZGLIBZXLF Adobe Systems, Inc., USA, Application Software, Revenue
8T8PSXMQTV4U Aegon, Netherlands, Life & Health Insurance, Revenue
NH4MXAZ17KOW AES Corporation, USA, Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders, Revenue
DUDX3RG2GQ7E AES Tiete SA, Brazil, Electric Utilities, Profit
OXMHVU1PSXNF AFLAC Incorporated, USA, Life & Health Insurance, Revenue
WPTSVLQSSZRG Aga Rangemaster Group PLC, United Kingdom, Household Appliances, Revenue