The category at /business/processes/production/hydrogen/ provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of hydrogen. See the followi…
The category at business/processes/production/fluorinatedcompounds provides a methodology for calculating emissions of fluorinated compounds (FC) associated with their production. …
Heat transfer fluids[/business/processes/production/electronics/heattransferfluids]
The category /business/processes/production/electronics/heattransferfluids contains data and calculation methodologies for the emissions associated with the use of heat transfer fl…
This category provides data and calculation methodologies for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from the production of chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC-22). These methodologies and th…
The category at business/processes/production/petrochemical provides several methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of petrochemicals…
The category /business/processes/production/cement/ipcc contains several methodologies sourced from the the IPCC guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP) related …
The category at /business/processes/production/titaniumdioxide provides methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of titanium dioxide. S…
The category at business/processes/production/ironandsteel/epa provides methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of iron and steel. The…
The category business/processes/production/magnesium contains data and methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with magnesium production. See the appropri…
The category at business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic provides data and methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of sever…
Methodologies relating to perfluorocarbon (PFC) emissions from electrolysis in the aluminium industry are available at the following categories: Default PFC methodology - this cate…
The category at /business/processes/carbonates provides data and methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with typical industrial carbonate consumption. Se…
AMEE provides two methodologies for calculating emissions from aluminium manufacture using the prebake process. Prebake (electrolysis) - this category provides data and two calcula…
Discover provides two methodologies for calculating CO2 emissions associated with the production of cement sourced from the WRI Greenhouse Gas protocol worksheets. CSI - a clinker-…
Discover contains a number of categories for calculating the greenhouse gas emissions relating to processes associated with iron and steel manufacturing. These methodologies are so…
The US Environmental Protection Agency is a US government agency assigned with protecting the natural environment and safeguarding human health. The EPA publishes data in a wide va…
Discover provides several categories for calculating and monitoring greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary production of Aluminium and related processes. These methodolog…
Grid electricity dataset. Describes the annual transmission losses occuring within the primary distribution networks of the United States. Summary This dataset describes the annual…
Climate Leaders is a joint EPA-industry programme for reducing corporate impact on the environment. Climate Leaders helps companies to calculate corporate-wide greenhouse gas emiss…
The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa contains data on the burning of fossil fuels sourced from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leaders initiative…
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As such, you must not rely on it to be up to date with the latest information.
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