Heating UK Floor Area
[edit / update model]
This category lists the typical floor areas for a variety of UK home types.
Note that this category is primarily a look-up category for /home/heating/uk.
UID | Label |
9HS3BFIQLYSS | detached bungalow, 0 |
A34UL7SBUX8N | detached bungalow, 1 |
XSWNS255KBJZ | detached bungalow, 2 |
WUMGCAY0RGGF | detached bungalow, 3 |
UHOO6ZHM7YEI | detached bungalow, 4 |
UEU64FYLNFCR | detached bungalow, 5 |
52X8NC5EMZ6O | detached bungalow, 6 |
CS42UTHJKTI4 | detached house, 0 |
QTRL59FJJPW7 | detached house, 1 |
75RQ4Q4XKY2D | detached house, 2 |
BITW1U044IXY | detached house, 3 |
98QQQR8PPMBM | detached house, 4 |
NO67YR3LTP69 | detached house, 5 |
GNB81R0T5QIY | detached house, 6 |
8PWLC8P6K2SC | end-terrace house, 0 |
W2VKDX1STS3P | end-terrace house, 1 |
MESUAR6S33IS | end-terrace house, 2 |
944ZZIILB467 | end-terrace house, 3 |
I0O5T1H5DI4S | end-terrace house, 4 |
ZV3CF75X44U7 | end-terrace house, 5 |