DEFRA Emissions types by industrial process

[edit / update model]
This category contains data on the greenhouse gases - or groups of greenhouse gases - which are typically emitted in association with particular industrial processes. The advice originates from the UK government department DEFRA, as published in their most recent greenhouse gas (GHG) conversion factors documentation.

The information relates specifically to processes in operation in the UK and emissions may differ slightly in other jurisdictions.


Limstone use

The 'limestone use' option refers to usage of limestone in Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) and processes such as those in the glass industry. Not all uses of limestone release CO2.

Fletton brick manufacture

The 'fletton brick manufacture' option is specific to Fletton brick manufacture at the mineral processing stage, a process that uses clay with high organic content. Other types of brick manufacturing in the UK do not release Greenhouse Gases during the processing stage.

FX8F8MGXAU45 chemical industry, adpic acid
FKTYMA5FHT4J chemical industry, ammonia
IK3E5SF4WA7Z chemical industry, caprolactam
FODFMCTU1PRG chemical industry, carbides
FX8DDM5CYCRC chemical industry, nitric acid
FHN49AN9PE6A chemical industry, petrochemicals
BN3AOBID987F chemical industry, urea
T0SUYA52HR7Y energy industry, coal mining
3LU6ONN78CZI energy industry, gas production and distribution
1K5AV0HGXXUF energy industry, oil production
NG4HTJCCD5LU energy industry, solid fuel transformation
0UO2CBAQITXM energy industry, venting and flaring from oil/gas production
8XKZ8J6ZI2P0 metal production, aluminium
WB2B8UKQDUOP metal production, iron steel and ferroalloys
52WPRC2KWWEO metal production, magnesium
WRTHWQIYFO2S metal production, other metals
RH0ITUOBTCBU mineral products, cement production
VURT32KXAKIV mineral products, fletton brick manufacture
IOBRW8XCKV7K mineral products, lime production
HZ6ZONV7SF2M mineral products, limestone use