You searched for ‘tags:direct’, here's what we found…

EPA primary iron and steel production [/business/processes/production/ironandsteel/epa/primary]
The category at business/processes/production/ironandsteel/epa/primary provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of primary iro…
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Combined Heat and Power [/business/energy/chp/ghgp]
Combined heat and power methodology. Calculates intensities of greenhouse gas emissions for steam and electricity produced at CHP facilities. UK and US applicable Summary This meth…
UK energy reductions [/home/energy/uk/reductions]
This data represents actions that result in reductions of CO2 emissions. These tips make broad assumptions about typical usage of various items in the UK. Given detailed informatio…
Heating US [/home/heating/us]
This category contains data items for describing home heating and air conditioning in the US based on survey data for 2001. Profile items return kgCO2 emission figures for various …
US Subregion Electricity [/business/energy/us/subregion]
Grid electricity methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and CO2e emissions associated with the generation of grid electricity. Choices inc…
Hydrogen production by feedstock [/business/processes/production/hydrogen/consumption]
The category at business/processes/production/hydrogen/consumption provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of hydrogen. The m…
UK Average Appliances [/planet/country/uk/average/appliances]
This category contains data on the typical emissions associated with domestic electrical appliance usages in the UK per either individual or household.
UK Average Home [/planet/country/uk/average/home]
This category contains data on the typical emissions associated with domestic lighting and heating in the UK per either individual or household.
EPA eGRID by eGRID region [/business/energy/electricity/epa/egrid]
Grid electricity emissions methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e), other nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur …
Specific car transport [/transport/car/specific]
The category /transport/car/specific contains emissions data associated with specific models of car. The data and calculation methodologies are organised into two subcategories rep…
Hydrogen powered cars [/transport/car/specific/hydrogen]
The category transport/car/specific/hydrogen contains data on the CO2 emissions associated with specific models of hydrogen powered car. To use this category, use drill downs to sp…
US2 specific car transport [/transport/car/specific/us2]
The category /transport/car/specific/us contains data on greenhouse gas emissions associated with models of car used in the United States, sourced from Calcula…
Light Goods Freight Defra [/transport/van/generic/freight/defra]
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for van-based freighting can be found here. This category uses the most recent Defra data and advice to calculate emission…
Motorcycle generic Defra [/transport/motorcycle/generic/defra]
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for motorcycle transport can be found here . This category allows users to calculate greenhouse gas emissions from a motor…
Specific diesel trains [/transport/train/specific/diesel]
The category /transport/train/specific/diesel contains data on emissions associated with diesel powered trains based on testing and simulations in the UK, sourced from the Rail Saf…
Car transport by band in Ireland [/transport/car/bands/ireland]
This category contains data on CO2 emissions associated with cars representative of particular car tax bands. The category currently contains data in a single subcategory providing…