Hydrogen production by feedstock
[edit / update model]To use this category, simply create a profile item - there are no drill choices.
Next, specify the quantity of feedstock consumed. This can be done in one of two ways:
- Directly, by setting the quantity using the massFeedstock profile item value.
- By specifying both the total quantity of hydrogen produced and the quantity of feedstock required per unit of production using the massHydrogen and massFeedstockPerMassHydrogen profile item values.
Carbon and CO2 recovery
User have two options for specifying quantities of recovered carbon which is diverted for use in other processes. These refer to recovered carbon as opposed to recovered CO2. In both cases, these are subtracted from the emissions associated with feedstock consumption. To specify a quantity of carbon recovered, set the carbonRecovered profile item value. To specify a quantity of CO2 recovered, set the CO2Recovered profile item value. Users should be careful to specify the appropriate value for recovered carbon, the two options differing by a factor of 3.5.
Time-dependent calculations
Each of the values described above represent data describing the performance and processes of a single or multiple facilities. Each of these values can be expressed in terms of a specific period of time, by using the -Unit and -PerUnit profile item designations. In conjunction, users can set the duration for which the facility was in operation, by setting the operatingDuration profile item value. In this case, Discover automatically takes into account the time basis of each quantity.
For example, users may wish to specify their feedstock consumption in terms of a quantity per day, in which case they could specify;
- massFeedstock=100
- massFeedstockUnit=t
- massFeedstockPerUnit=day
User should note that, in the case where all values use the same basis for time, the emissions calculation simply reflects the absolute values for consumption/recovery specified and is effectively independent of particular timeframe. This is the default condition of the calculation: all values are specified on an annual basis with the operating time assumed to be 1 year. As such, if the operatingDuration is left unspecified the returned emission simply reflects the absolute inputs.
UID | Label |
I148AWSZFKQL | hydrogen production |