You searched for ‘tags:heating’, here's what we found…

Heating UK Renewable [/home/heating/uk/renewable]
This category gives the saving possible by use of renewable technologies in the UK. Note that this category is primarily a look-up for /home/heating/uk.
Heating UK Floor Area [/home/heating/uk/floorareas]
This category lists the typical floor areas for a variety of UK home types. Note that this category is primarily a look-up category for /home/heating/uk.
HHV conversion factors [/documentation/HHV_conversion_factors]
'Heating values' 'Heating values' (or 'calorific values') are measures of the amount of energy contained within a given quantity of fuel. Heating values are therefore expressed in …
Heating UK types [/home/heating/uk/heatingtypes]
This category contains a list of heating types (systems) for a variety of fuels and gives associated efficiency. This category is primarily a look-up category for /home/heating/uk.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Combined Heat and Power [/business/energy/chp/ghgp]
Combined heat and power methodology. Calculates intensities of greenhouse gas emissions for steam and electricity produced at CHP facilities. UK and US applicable Summary This meth…
Heating US [/home/heating/us]
This category contains data items for describing home heating and air conditioning in the US based on survey data for 2001. Profile items return kgCO2 emission figures for various …
Standard Assessment Procedure [/documentation/Standard_Assessment_Procedure]
The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) was developed by the UK Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) along with the (building industry funded com…
UK Average Home [/planet/country/uk/average/home]
This category contains data on the typical emissions associated with domestic lighting and heating in the UK per either individual or household.
Heating uk [/home/heating/uk]
This methodology models the emissions produced by a home in the UK. It is based on a cut-down version of RdSAP and was developed for the UK government's ActOnCO2 calculator. Inform…