This methodology models the emissions produced by a home in the UK. It is based on a cut-down version of RdSAP and was developed for the UK government's ActOnCO2 calculator. Information on insulation and renewable savings was provided by EST.

To make a calculation, the following parameters must be set:

  • age must be one of "pre 1930", "post 1995" or "1930-1995"
  • numberOfBedrooms must a number from 0 to 6
All other parameters do not have to set explicitly. The hasNoRenewables parameter defaults to true and all other parameters relating to renewables will be ignored unless it is set to false. The same is true of the hasNoInsulation parameter and other insulation-related parameters.

If calculations are stored using profiles, the number of people in the household can be specified using the profile metadata parameter peopleInHousehold. If so, this value will be used to determine the energy used for water heating, otherwise water heating will be determined the numberOfBedrooms value.

Also in the case of calculations stored using profiles, in addition to the returned kgCO2 value, the algorithm sets spaceHeatingCO2 and waterHeatingCO2 parameters in units of kgCO2 per year. In some cases (e.g. coal open fires), the algorithm will assume that the water heating is electric and it will set isWaterHeatingElectric to true. The algorithm will set solarHotWaterEnergySaved and renewableElectricitySavedCO2 in units of kWh per year if the relevant parameters are set to true.

P5ABRDA3KY78 detached bungalow, biomass
750Y81IMN0ET detached bungalow, coal
AGUIU1Z8V5SN detached bungalow, electricity
QSSEKYFHRCL9 detached bungalow, gas
F9R4MEGXP27U detached bungalow, lpg
TSBGAYNM2AS1 detached bungalow, oil
9K8CM33NHH9Y detached house, biomass
B4AOLDJHTHI5 detached house, coal
BS2WQTQNJNEJ detached house, electricity
T3LOHZE0OZGF detached house, gas
PI7INWMQ70N2 detached house, lpg
9T7FC9DF8AQG detached house, oil
XY4GWCLURZWQ end-terrace house, biomass
6EFT28CR26LQ end-terrace house, coal
PV2UPW697YV8 end-terrace house, electricity
W8JVHDHN4YV7 end-terrace house, gas
XNLJP7KTMKWJ end-terrace house, lpg
PNIG8IC8JV2V end-terrace house, oil
5DH10LXZDYOQ flat, biomass
RFBYB9H4OP1C flat, coal
must be set to a drill choice from the [[heating_UK_types|/home/heating/uk/heatingtypes]] category.