The category /transport/car/specific/us contains data on greenhouse gas emissions associated with models of car used in the United States, sourced from Calcula…
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodologies for US light goods transport can be found here and here This category contains data associated with light goods transport in the…
The category transport/plane/specific/turboprop contains data on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of 26 types of turboprop-engine aircraft, sourced from the EMEP/CORINAIR Emi…
The category transport/plane/specific/jet contains data on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of jet-engine aircraft, sourced from the EMEP/CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guideboo…
The category transport/plane/specific/military contains data on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of several aircraft types associated with the military, sourced from the EMEP…
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodologies for US large goods vehicle transport can be found here and here This category contains data associated with heavy duty truck tra…
The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/tires contains data on the emissions associated with the burning of tires, sourced from the US Environmental Protection Agenc…
The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/petroleum contains data on the emissions associated with the burning of petroleum-derived fuels (e.g. distillate and residual…
Mass based stationary combustion of fuels. Calculates direct, indirect and life cycle carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) …
This methodology models the emissions produced by a home in the UK. It is based on a cut-down version of RdSAP and was developed for the UK government's ActOnCO2 calculator. Inform…
The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/cems contains data and methodologies for calculating CO2 emissions from stationary fuel combustion using Continuous Emissions Mon…
The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/ch4andn2ofactors contains data on the emissions of CH4 and N2O associated with stationary fuel combustion, sourced from the U…
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with the stationary combustion of blended fuels. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK governm…
The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/coal contains data on the emissions associated with the burning of coal, sourced from the US Environmental Protection Agency'…
The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/wood contains data on the emissions associated with the burning of wood, sourced from the US Environmental Protection Agency'…
This methodology represents which conventional fuels which are associated with biofuel blends. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK government department DEF…
Biofuels by DEFRA[/business/energy/stationaryCombustion/defra/biofuel]
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with the stationary combustion of biofuels. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK government d…
NB: this site contains methodologies, models, data and calculators that are in development as a prototype service.
As such, you must not rely on it to be up to date with the latest information.
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