CH4 and N20 emissions from stationary combustion

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The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/ch4andn2ofactors contains data on the emissions of CH4 and N2O associated with stationary fuel combustion, sourced from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leaders initiative.

This category is used as a lookup reference for the specific fuel sub-categories within the /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa category. Profile items cannot be created within this category.

CXSS4DJEM8MU coal, commercial
Q28500KMM3RA coal, electricity generation
UO2L8WS4GTCA coal, industry
4Q21ELKMA3DK coal, residential
1KJGJWPQVG1P natural gas, commercial
IGIK3NZ288N1 natural gas, electricity generation
F2P88OKFVQC2 natural gas, industry
MRJNYG3622XM natural gas, residential
D28E3ZDMHVWA petroleum, commercial
0RX183VMVBMH petroleum, electricity generation
04IGM14YDBGD petroleum, industry
TDYN0L8OWDMU petroleum, residential
8TP6U4ZCFUB1 pulping liquors, industry
KCFC2ZJUUNSE wood, commercial
T4ZDFB5ZHW0H wood, electricity generation
JVLC44SPE5MA wood, industry
WQFHTA234NAI wood, residential