CH4 and N20 emissions from stationary combustion
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The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/ch4andn2ofactors contains data on the emissions of CH4 and N2O associated with stationary fuel combustion, sourced from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leaders initiative.
This category is used as a lookup reference for the specific fuel sub-categories within the /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa category. Profile items cannot be created within this category.
UID | Label |
CXSS4DJEM8MU | coal, commercial |
Q28500KMM3RA | coal, electricity generation |
UO2L8WS4GTCA | coal, industry |
4Q21ELKMA3DK | coal, residential |
1KJGJWPQVG1P | natural gas, commercial |
IGIK3NZ288N1 | natural gas, electricity generation |
F2P88OKFVQC2 | natural gas, industry |
MRJNYG3622XM | natural gas, residential |
D28E3ZDMHVWA | petroleum, commercial |
0RX183VMVBMH | petroleum, electricity generation |
04IGM14YDBGD | petroleum, industry |
TDYN0L8OWDMU | petroleum, residential |
8TP6U4ZCFUB1 | pulping liquors, industry |
KCFC2ZJUUNSE | wood, commercial |
T4ZDFB5ZHW0H | wood, electricity generation |
JVLC44SPE5MA | wood, industry |
WQFHTA234NAI | wood, residential |