You searched for ‘tags:direct’, here's what we found…

US energy by price [/home/energy/us/price]
This category contains data on the CO2 emissions associated with energy consumption in the US specified on the basis ($)
CRC Fuel Energy [/business/energy/stationaryCombustion/crc]
Fuel combustion methodology. Calculates direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with stationary fuel combustion and electricity usage. Applicable to the UK government's Ca…
Electricity Generation Emission Factors [/home/energy/electricity/realTimeElectricity/fuelEmissionFactors]
This category contains CO2 emissions factors for each electricity generation method used to supply grid electricity. It is a look-up category and so profile items should not be cre…
UK Average Travel [/planet/country/uk/average/travel]
This category contains data on the typical emissions associated with domestic travel in the UK per either individual or household.
Biomass India [/business/energy/fuel/ghgp/india]
Biomass combustion methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with the burning of biomass. Choices include wood, straw, bamboo and waste. India. Summary This…
Magnesium primary production [/business/processes/production/magnesium/primaryproduction]
The category business/processes/production/magnesium/primaryproduction/ is aimed towards industry professionals to enable them to prepare inventories of greenhouse gas emissions fr…
EPA eGRID by NERC region [/business/energy/electricity/epa/nerc]
Grid electricity emissions methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e), other nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur …
Oven [/home/appliances/cooking/oven]
This methodology contains energy consumption and CO2 emissions data associated with the use of domestic ovens. It is based on a hybrid model drawing on data from both the MTP datas…
Aluminium alternative [/business/processes/production/aluminium/alternative]
This category provides an 'alternative method' for calculating aluminium-related CO2 emissions, based on the carbon content of materials consumed. This methodology is sourced from …
Real Time Electricity [/home/energy/electricity/realTimeElectricity]
The carbon intensity of electricity is related to the specific method of generation used (e.g. coal, gas, nuclear, wind), and therefore the CO2 emissions associated with national o…
Televisions Generic Ranges [/home/appliances/televisions/generic/ranges]
This methodology contains energy consumption and CO2 emissions data associated with several generic types and ranges of screen sizes of television. To use this methodology, select …
Light bulb by wattage [/home/lighting/specific]
This methodology enables the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of internal lighting. This calculation is based on the wattage of light bulbs and the d…
Carbon dioxide emissions [/documentation/Carbon_dioxide_emissions]
There has been a rising trend in average global temperatures over the last century accompanied by a rise in the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is believed that …
EPA eGRID by Power Control Area [/business/energy/electricity/epa/pca]
Grid electricity emissions methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e), other nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur …
Phosphoric acid production [/business/processes/production/phosphoricacid]
The category at business/processes/production/phosphoricacid provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of phosphoric acid. The …
EPA EAF iron and steel production [/business/processes/production/ironandsteel/epa/eaf]
The category at business/processes/production/ironandsteel/epa/eaf provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with Electron Arc Furnace (EAF) steel …
Generic fluorinated compound production [/business/processes/production/fluorinatedcompounds/production]
The category at business/processes/production/fluorinatedcompounds/production provides a methodology for calculating emissions of fluorinated compounds (FC) associated with their p…
EPA eGRID by state [/business/energy/electricity/epa/state]
Grid electricity emissions methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e), other nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur …
Energy in Ireland by supplier [/home/energy/ireland/suppliers]
This category contains CO2 emissions data for domestic energy consumption associated with specific suppliers in Ireland. Only domestic energy suppliers are included here. A good so…
Refrigerant material balance methodology by DEFRA [/business/processes/refrigeration/materialbalance]
This methodology enables the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of refrigerants. The methodology is sourced from the UK government department DEFRA, as…