CRC Fuel Energy

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Fuel combustion methodology. Calculates direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with stationary fuel combustion and electricity usage. Applicable to the UK government's Carbon Reduction Commitment initiative.


This methodology represents CO2emissions associated with a variety of fuels and other energy sources (electricity). It is specifically applicable to the UK government's Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) initiative which commenced in April 2010. The data is sourced from the list of conversion factors published in conjunction with the CRC scheme.

The methodology

The emissions calculation methodology is based upon emissions factors which relate a energy-, mass- or volume-based quantities of fuel or electricity with the associated quantities of greenhouse gas emissions. These values vary between fuels, depending on factors such as the concentration of carbon and moisture within each fuel type, or, in the case of electricity, with the mix of fuels used in generation.

Model data

Each fuel/energy type is represented by a single emissions factor representing the rate at which CO2 is emissions per quantity of fuel/energy consumed. 28 fuels for stationary combustion are represented (plus a further 2 from the original CRC proposal documentation - see below) as well as grid electricity.

Activity data required

Calculations are based upon the quantity of fuel/electricity described. The CRC source documentation does not specify fuel densities or heating (calorific) values and therefore the basis on which fuel quantities are specified (energy, mass, volume) is not interchangable for each given fuel. Discover follows CRC protocol in requiring quantities to be specified on a basis according to the particular fuel type chosen. The specific input required (energy, mass, volume) varies between fuel/energy types, as follows:

aviation spiritblast furnace gasburning oil/kerosene/paraffin
aviation turbine fuelcoke oven gasdiesel
coking coalcolliery methanegas oil
fuel oilnatural gaslpg
industrial coalother petroleum gaspetrol
lubricantsrefinery miscellaneous
wastesour gas
petroleum cokenetwork gas
scrap tyresbasic oxygen steel gas
solid smokeless fuel
waste solvents
cement industry coal
commercial/public sector coal
waste oils

Calculation and result

The quantity of fuel/energy consumed is multiplied by the appropriate emissions factor to calculate the assocaited CO2 emissions. If a quantity is provided which is incompatible with the emissions factor (i.e. energy-, mass- or volume-based as required) a calculation cannot be made.

Related methodologies

Other methodologies for fuel combustion, similarly published by the UK government department DEFRA are available with energy, mass and volume based calculations.

Fuel properties, such as density and calorific values - for converting between energy, mass and volume - can be found here.


Simplification proposal

In June 2011, the UK government published tentative proposals for simplifying the CRC. Included in these proposals was the reduction of the list of mandatory fuels/energy types from 29 to 4. These proposals are due for public consultation in 2012 with a view to full implementation in 2013.

Data sources

Six new fuel types (basic oxygen steel gas, cement industry coal, commercial/public sector coal, lignite, peat and waste oils) are included with respect to those specified in the previous documentation (the Consultation on Draft Order to Implement the Carbon Reduction Commitment). Two fuels not included in the latest documentation but which appeared in the previous Draft documentation ('refinery miscellaneous', 'lubricants') are preserved in this category but should not be considered compliant with current CRC protocol.

NS7YTUNN9SO4 aviation spirit
WPCQEDUFJ25X aviation turbine fuel
VCXXJGNBO4Y9 basic oxygen steel gas
W6BB9QSP18VG blast furnace gas
TPO4GXSEFP5M burning oil/kerosene/paraffin
K2URGQJCIAIA cement industry coal
JOLUG3ZF0DY0 coke oven gas
V8WZM3KEKCTW coking coal
YTY7RU2PI7BB colliery methane
PMSUL6INDHPN commercial/public sector coal
FLUC0OLWVQB3 electricity
KUJLSL86WO9V fuel oil
A5HF4EMUGQHJ gas oil
YKZCAE69PAT5 industrial coal
LRUW774U1W8B lignite
OJK683JQ2S8Q lpg
2ZT67MNA6MS4 lubricants
EXUD4PA8DDMK naphtha
9FY2CMFMJXA8 natural gas
enter //either// the energy, mass or volume used
enter //either// the energy, mass or volume used
enter //either// the energy, mass or volume used