Generic fluorinated compound production

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The category at business/processes/production/fluorinatedcompounds/production provides a methodology for calculating emissions of fluorinated compounds (FC) associated with their production. This methodology represents the Tier 1 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).

The methodology is based on default emissions factors relating to the production of HFC's, PFC's and SF6. Users have the option of returning absolute quantity of emissions, or - by specifying the particular type of FC fluid used - returning the emissions expressed as CO2e.

How to use this category

Selecting an emissions scenario

To use this category, select the type of FC using the type drill choice.

Specifying activity data

Next, specify the quantity FC's produced using the mass profile item value.

Users can override the default emissions factors if the have facility-specific data on the quantity of emissions associated with each unit of production. To specify this value, set the massPerMass profile item value.

Users can also convert their emissions into CO2e - i.e. the quantity of CO2 which would produce the same global warming effect as the absolute FC emissions. In the case of the drill down choices which represent SF6 production, no further specification is required since the compound is implicit (SF6). If using the the 'HFC' or 'PFC' drill choices, the specific compound must be specified since the 'global warming potential' of each of these compounds differs. The compound type is specified using the compound profile item value. This value must match one of the drill options found in this category - Discover uses this category as a lookup resource for converting absolute emissions into the appropriate quantity of CO2e for the respective compound.

Results and calculation

The returned amounts represent the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the quantity specified. Two quantities are returned, as follows:

  • rawEmissions: absolute quantity of emissions for the quantity specified
  • CO2e: CO2e emissions (absolute emissions converted using the appropriate global warming potential)

JUJNOEKVY2ZL SF6 (highly purified)
Name of specific fluorinated compound
Quantity of fluorinated compound produced