This category is deprecated. The /home/heating/uk category should be used instead.

Why is this category deprecated?

This category contains a data item for every possible combination of drill down options: home type, age, size, fuel and heating type (3744 in total). The /home/heating/uk category only has drill options for home type and fuel (48 in total) with age, size and heating type being profile item values. The advantage of this approach is that the calculation is performed in Discover's algorithm rather than being pre-calculated before data items are uploaded. This allows many more options to be added (specifically insulation and renewables) and the algorithm can reference data items in Discover, e.g. the fuel emission factors in /home/energy/quantity.

UK heating

This category contains items that give the kgCO2 emitted for a variety of home types, sizes and heating systems in the UK. The values account for both space and water heating using data and methods adapted from the BREDEM, SAP and RDSAP systems - see BRE and NEF for more information on these.

The following assumptions were made in the /home/heating category, as they are typical of current housing stock in the UK:

  • 100mm of loft insulation (U-value of 0.4 W/m-2K)
  • Mainly double glazed (average window U-value 3.5 W/m-2K)
  • Uninsulated concrete ground floors (where applicable)
  • 55mm jacket type hot water cylinder insulation
  • Hot water cylinder thermostat present
Further details can be found in the heating section of the DEFRA methodology paper.

All values include only the direct carbon dioxide emission, except for biomass which is entirely indirect emission.

See Carbon_dioxide_emissions for an explanation of direct and indirect emission.

1BVRAMEMSYD4 detached bungalow, 1, biomass, 1930-1995, boiler (wood chip/pellets)
XTM65Q1MT0MW detached bungalow, 1, biomass, 1930-1995, stove
3JZMGFQC4RSW detached bungalow, 1, biomass, post 1995, boiler (wood chip/pellets)
I6S6GK5UHI9J detached bungalow, 1, biomass, post 1995, stove
H7S0M2ZYNZLK detached bungalow, 1, biomass, pre 1930, boiler (wood chip/pellets)
MNRXJMZTB3AC detached bungalow, 1, biomass, pre 1930, stove
EYVK8MRFS6ZE detached bungalow, 1, coal, 1930-1995, boiler automatic (gravity) feed
OTSWOMO6WTNW detached bungalow, 1, coal, 1930-1995, boiler-manual feed
Y3CKHNVKQT3D detached bungalow, 1, coal, 1930-1995, closed room heaters
2VNJD22MBB8C detached bungalow, 1, coal, 1930-1995, open fires
0ELLUJH6MBLS detached bungalow, 1, coal, post 1995, boiler automatic (gravity) feed
7KOW7R5JXG7T detached bungalow, 1, coal, post 1995, boiler-manual feed
NTG8M37AJ9YT detached bungalow, 1, coal, post 1995, closed room heaters
W1C34VUM8N5B detached bungalow, 1, coal, post 1995, open fires
HGNLM12KVBON detached bungalow, 1, coal, pre 1930, boiler automatic (gravity) feed
R65SB8D8HNIZ detached bungalow, 1, coal, pre 1930, boiler-manual feed
IYNJ9NA1OH27 detached bungalow, 1, coal, pre 1930, closed room heaters
R6T40M5T9TKM detached bungalow, 1, coal, pre 1930, open fires
X9IZ0QQ1AHCY detached bungalow, 1, electricity, 1930-1995, modern storage heaters (slim line)
L35IHQOM1F2P detached bungalow, 1, electricity, 1930-1995, old storage heaters (large volume)