You searched for ‘tags:N2O’, here's what we found…

Manure associated nitrous oxide emissions [/business/agriculture/livestock/manure/n2o]
The category business/agriculture/livestock/manure/N2O contains data on direct and indirect nitrous oxide emissions associated with the storage and treatment of livestock manure, s…
Manure management [/business/agriculture/livestock/manure]
The category business/agriculture/livestock/manure contains data on the emissions associated with the storage and treatment of livestock manure, sourced from the IPCC National Gree…
Livestock [/business/agriculture/livestock]
The category /business/agriculture/livestock contains data and methodologies for calculating greenshouse gas emissions associated with the keeping of livestock, sourced from the IP…
Fugitive emissions [/business/processes/fugitive]
The category /business/processes/fugitive contains data on intentional or unintentional emissions of greenhouse gases associated with the extraction, processing and delivery of fos…
Fugitive emissions from mining [/business/processes/fugitive/mining]
The category /business/processes/fugitive/mining contains data and methodologies for calculating fugitive greenhouse emissions associated with coal mining, sourced from the 2006 IP…
CH4 and N20 emissions from stationary combustion [/business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/ch4andn2ofactors]
The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/ch4andn2ofactors contains data on the emissions of CH4 and N2O associated with stationary fuel combustion, sourced from the U…
Oil and gas fugitive emissions [/business/processes/fugitive/oilandgas]
Fugitive emissions methodology, underground mining. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions based on the quantity of oil or gas processed. …
Waste water treatment N2O [/business/waste/water/n2o]
The category at business/waste/water/n2o provides a methodology for calculating the quantity of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from from waste water treatment plants. The methodolog…
Other livestock manure nitrous oxide emissions [/business/agriculture/livestock/manure/n2o/other]
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on total liveweight. Scenarios include camels, goats, horses,…
Poultry manure nitrous oxide emissions [/business/agriculture/livestock/manure/n2o/poultry]
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on total liveweight. Scenarios include various types of poult…
Fur bearing livestock manure nitrous oxide emissions [/business/agriculture/livestock/manure/n2o/furbearing]
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on livestock population. Scenarios include foxes, mink, polec…
Cattle and swine manure nitrous oxide emissions [/business/agriculture/livestock/manure/n2o/cattleandswine]
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on livestock population or total liveweight. Scenarios includ…