You searched for ‘tags:train’, here's what we found…

Train stations [/transport/train/route/stations]
The category /transport/train/route/stations contains reference data relating to train stations. Currently only a single subcategory exists providing a comprehensive look-up refere…
Generic train GHGP [/transport/train/generic/ghgp]
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for train transport can now be found here This category contains data on greenhouse gas emissions associated …
Train freight [/transport/train/generic/freight]
The category /transport/train/generic/freight contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the train transportation of freight. This category currently contains da…
Train [/transport/train]
The category /transport/train contains several subcategories which provide emissions methodologies in relation to train transport. All current train-associated methodologies concer…
US train transport [/transport/train/generic/ghgp/us]
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for train transport can now be found here This category contains all subcategories relating to emissions from…
Train freight GHGP [/transport/train/generic/freight/ghgp]
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for train freighting can now be found here The category /transport/train/generic/freight/ghgp contains data o…
Specific train transport [/transport/train/specific]
The category /transport/train/specific contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with specific models of passenger train. The subcategories found within this categor…
Train Route [/transport/train/route]
This category allows you to create profile items that represent a journey between two train stations. Discover will determine the route and calculate the distance and emissions. At…
UK train stations [/transport/train/route/stations/uk]
The category /transport/train/route/stations contains details of train stations which are used in the Train route category. At present only a single subcategory exists which contai…
Train generic Defra [/transport/train/generic/defra]
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for train transport can be found here. This category contains sub-categories allows users to calculate greenhouse gas emis…
Specific diesel trains [/transport/train/specific/diesel]
The category /transport/train/specific/diesel contains data on emissions associated with diesel powered trains based on testing and simulations in the UK, sourced from the Rail Saf…
Specific electric trains [/transport/train/specific/electric]
The category /transport/train/specific/electric contains data on emissions associated with electric trains based on testing and simulations in the UK, Scandanavia and Japan, source…
Generic train transport [/transport/train/generic]
This category contains data on the per passenger CO2 emissions associated with train travel in the UK, Republic of Ireland and Spain. This category provides CO2 emissions only and …