You searched for ‘tags:mobile’, here's what we found…

Van [/transport/van]
The category /transport/van contains data associated with the greenhouse gas emissions of van transport. Van-associated data is currently available in the following subcategory: Ge…
Generic van transport [/transport/van/generic]
The category /transport/van/generic contains data associated with the greenhouse gas emissions of representative van types sourced from UK government agency DEFRA. This category pr…
Train [/transport/train]
The category /transport/train contains several subcategories which provide emissions methodologies in relation to train transport. All current train-associated methodologies concer…
Taxi [/transport/taxi]
The category /transport/taxi contains several subcategories which provide emissions methodologies in relation to taxi transport. All current taxi-associated methodologies concern r…
Ship [/transport/ship]
The category /transport/ship contains data and methodologies for calculating ship-associated greenhouse gas emissions. Several subcategories are available which provide functionali…
Ship freighting [/transport/ship/generic/freight]
The category /transport/ship/generic/freight contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with ship transported freight sourced from the UK government agency DEFRA. The…
Passenger transport [/transport/byDistance/passenger]
The category at ''/transport/byDistance/passenger'' includes data for passenger travel taken from parts of several of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol worksheets. The worksheets include…
Motorcycle [/transport/motorcycle]
The category /transport/motorcycle contains data and methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with motorcycle transport. The category currently contains da…
Minibus [/transport/minibus]
The term minibus refers to a vehicle designed to carry between 7 to 15 passengers. Small minibuses are sometimes called people carriers and many minibuses are variants on models of…
Plane freighting [/transport/plane/generic/freight]
The category /transport/plane/generic/freight contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with plane transported freight sourced from DEFRA. See the WRI Greenhouse Gas…
Large goods vehicle [/transport/lgv]
The category /transport/lgv/ contains data associated with the greenhouse gas emissions of large goods vehicle transport. The basis for large goods emissions calculations Since lar…
Generic large goods vehicle transport [/transport/lgv/generic]
This category is now deprecated. All of the functionality of this category (and more) an be found under the specific DEFRA category for heavy goods vehicles The category /transport…
Car [/transport/car]
The category /transport/car contains data associated with the greenhouse gas emissions of car travel. Both generic and specific datasets and methodologies are available in the foll…
Specific car transport [/transport/car/specific]
The category /transport/car/specific contains emissions data associated with specific models of car. The data and calculation methodologies are organised into two subcategories rep…
Hydrogen powered cars [/transport/car/specific/hydrogen]
The category transport/car/specific/hydrogen contains data on the CO2 emissions associated with specific models of hydrogen powered car. To use this category, use drill downs to sp…
US2 specific car transport [/transport/car/specific/us2]
The category /transport/car/specific/us contains data on greenhouse gas emissions associated with models of car used in the United States, sourced from Calcula…