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Heat transfer fluids[/business/processes/production/electronics/heattransferfluids]
The category /business/processes/production/electronics/heattransferfluids contains data and calculation methodologies for the emissions associated with the use of heat transfer fl…
The category /business/processes/production/electronics contains data and methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the electronics industry. There cur…
Description The items in this dataset represent domestic entertainment equipment. All items include energy consumed on sleep, suspend and active modes and are stock-averaged over r…
Description The items in this dataset represent domestic computing equipment. All items include energy consumed on sleep, suspend and active modes and are stock-averaged over recen…
This methodology contains energy consumption and CO2 emissions data associated with several generic types and ranges of screen sizes of television. To use this methodology, select …
This data represents actions that result in reductions of CO2 emissions. These tips make broad assumptions about typical usage of various items in the UK. Given detailed informatio…
The category at business/processes/production/electronics/heattransferfluids/consumption provides a methodology for calculating emissions of fluorinated compounds (FC) associated w…
The category /business/processes/production/electronics/etchingandcvdcleaning/emissionscontrol contains data on the effect on emissions of emissions control technologies implemente…
The category business/processes/production/electronics/etchingandcvdcleaning/production provides a methodology for calculating the fluorinated compound (FC) emissions associated wi…
The category at business/processes/production/electronics/heattransferfluids/production provides a methodology for calculating the emissions associated with the use of heat transfe…
The category /business/processes/production/electronics/etchingandcvdcleaning contains data and methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the plasma et…
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