IPCC cement methodologies
[edit / update model]Cement production-based methodology
The category business/processes/production/cement/ipcc/cement provides a methodology based on the quantity of cement produced and represents the Tier 1 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP). This methodology should be used where no information on clinker production or the consumption of raw carbonate materials are available. The methodology estimates emissions from the production of clinker based on data describing production of cement together with default values representing typical cement properties.
Clinker production-based methodology
The category business/processes/production/cement/ipcc/clinker provides a methodology based on the quantity and properties of clinker produced and represents the Tier 2 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP). This methodology should be used where no information on the consumption of raw carbonate materials are available, but data on clinker production is available.
Carbonate inputs-based methodology
The category business/processes/production/cement/ipcc/carbonate provides a methodology using specific quantities of various carbonate species - the primary source of carbon - for calculating CO2 emissions, and represents the Tier 3 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).