Petrochemical carbon contents
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The category at /business/processes/production/petrochemical/massbalance/carboncontent contains data on the carbon contents of feedstocks, products and by-products relating to the petrochemical industry. The category used by The category /business/processes/production/petrochemical/massbalance as reference for default carbon content values. The data is sourced from volumes 2 and 3 of the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).
The petrochemical materials are sourced from Volume 3, Chapter 3 which focuses on greenhouse gas emissions associated with the chemical industry.
Several of the fuel types are taken from Volume 2, Chapter 1 which focuses on energy production and consumption and provides data for a comprehensive list of fuels. The mass-based carbon contents found in this category, were derived from the documented energy-based carbon content (kg per GJ) and energy per mass (i.e. 'net calorific value'; TJ per Gg) data.
This category cannot be used to create profile items.
UID | Label |
YLNQQAHE3MAG | acetonitrile |
KY6OAM6UC3CY | acrylonitrile |
SQR2FF7ZMI97 | anthracite |
7H9Y4JZJAVWC | bitumen |
TQAAQGSEEJ3O | blast furnace gas |
V4DYERZYJ2CP | butadiene |
HHW4FLQDA0UB | carbon black |
2FXFMWGZVNRE | carbon black feedstock |
KZ6PCSQ1AFO1 | coke oven coke |
WOJWBXZ6H2N4 | coke oven gas |
OPXOFX2N56QX | coking coal |
GPRIRSDAZ8XY | crude oil |
SHOP248SA20A | ethane |
UILUN7X0VD8Y | ethylene |
R9JV1Q54QUP4 | ethylene dichloride |
C2RILS3GGZTR | ethylene glycol |
XWF9BTZKBMLV | ethylene oxide |
6M90SDKUE47O | gas coke |
PGSRC14JYQU6 | gas works gas |
INH2FAUXM878 | gas/diesel oil |