Petrochemical carbon contents

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The category at /business/processes/production/petrochemical/massbalance/carboncontent contains data on the carbon contents of feedstocks, products and by-products relating to the petrochemical industry. The category used by The category /business/processes/production/petrochemical/massbalance as reference for default carbon content values. The data is sourced from volumes 2 and 3 of the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).

The petrochemical materials are sourced from Volume 3, Chapter 3 which focuses on greenhouse gas emissions associated with the chemical industry.

Several of the fuel types are taken from Volume 2, Chapter 1 which focuses on energy production and consumption and provides data for a comprehensive list of fuels. The mass-based carbon contents found in this category, were derived from the documented energy-based carbon content (kg per GJ) and energy per mass (i.e. 'net calorific value'; TJ per Gg) data.

This category cannot be used to create profile items.

YLNQQAHE3MAG acetonitrile
KY6OAM6UC3CY acrylonitrile
SQR2FF7ZMI97 anthracite
7H9Y4JZJAVWC bitumen
TQAAQGSEEJ3O blast furnace gas
V4DYERZYJ2CP butadiene
HHW4FLQDA0UB carbon black
2FXFMWGZVNRE carbon black feedstock
KZ6PCSQ1AFO1 coke oven coke
WOJWBXZ6H2N4 coke oven gas
OPXOFX2N56QX coking coal
GPRIRSDAZ8XY crude oil
SHOP248SA20A ethane
UILUN7X0VD8Y ethylene
R9JV1Q54QUP4 ethylene dichloride
C2RILS3GGZTR ethylene glycol
XWF9BTZKBMLV ethylene oxide
6M90SDKUE47O gas coke
PGSRC14JYQU6 gas works gas
INH2FAUXM878 gas/diesel oil