You searched for ‘tags:transport’, here's what we found…

US road freight [/transport/lgv/generic/freight/ghgp/us]
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for freight transport can now be found here The category /transport/lgv/generic/freight/ghgp/us contains data…
Generic taxi transport [/transport/taxi/generic]
The category /transport/taxi/generic contains a single representative vehicle type, based on the 'large, diesel' vehicle used in the Generic car category, and returns emissions on …
US taxi per passenger [/transport/taxi/generic/ghgp/us/perPassenger]
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for taxi transport can now be found here Taxi US per passenger data is from the GHGP worksheet GHG emissions …
Per passenger taxi transport [/transport/taxi/generic/perpassenger]
The category /transport/taxi/generic/perpassenger contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with taxi travel on a per passenger basis. For alternative per passenger …
Generic ship transport [/transport/ship/generic]
The category /transport/ship/generic contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with ship-based passenger transport. This category provides CO2 emissions only and sho…
US heavy duty transport IPCC [/transport/lgv/generic/ipcc/us]
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodologies for US large goods vehicle transport can be found here and here This category contains data associated with heavy duty truck tra…
Road freighting GHGP [/transport/lgv/generic/freight/ghgp]
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for freight transport can now be found here The category /transport/lgv/generic/freight/ghgp contains data on…
Urea based additives [/transport/emissionscontrol/ureabasedadditives]
The category /transport/emissionscontrol/ureabasedadditives contains a methodology for caluclating non-combustive CO2 emissions from urea-based additives in catalytic converters, s…
US specific car transport [/transport/car/specific/us]
The category /transport/car/specific/us contains data on greenhouse gas emissions associated with models of car used in the United States, sourced from Calcula…
Generic car transport [/transport/car/generic]
The category /transport/car/generic contains data associated with the greenhouse gas emissions of representative car types sourced from the EPA, the UK government agency DEFRA, and…
US alternative fuel car travel IPCC [/transport/car/generic/ipcc/us/alternativefuels]
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for US car transport with conventional fuels can be found here The category /transport/car/generic/ipcc/us/alternativefuels contai…
European car travel IPCC [/transport/car/generic/ipcc/europe]
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for European car transport can be found here The category /transport/car/generic/ipcc/europe contains data on greenhouse gas emiss…
US conventional fuel light goods transport [/transport/van/generic/ipcc/us/conventionalfuels]
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for US light goods transport with conventional fuels can be found here The category /transport/van/generic/ipcc/us/conventionalfue…
European light goods transport IPCC [/transport/van/generic/ipcc/europe]
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for European light goods transport can be found here The category /transport/van/generic/ipcc/europe contains data on greenhouse g…
Generic motorcycle transport [/transport/motorcycle/generic]
This category is now deprecated. All of the functionality of this category, with more update and comprehensive data, can be found under the specific DEFRA category for motorcycles …
European motorcycle transport IPCC [/transport/motorcycle/generic/ipcc/europe]
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for European motorcycle transport can be found here The category /transport/motorcycle/generic/ipcc/europe contains data on greenh…
Offroad fuels [/transport/byFuel/ipcc/offroad]
The category /transport/byFuel/ipcc/offroad contains data and a methodology sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for calculating emissions assoc…
Train fuels [/transport/byFuel/ipcc/train]
The category /transport/byFuel/ipcc/train contains data on emissions associated with train fuel consumption, sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventorie…
DEFRA road transport methodology by vehicle size [/transport/defra/vehicle]
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of road vehicles as differentiated by their size. The data and calculation methodology originates from …