The category /transport/ship contains data and methodologies for calculating ship-associated greenhouse gas emissions. Several subcategories are available which provide functionali…
The category /transport/ship/generic/freight contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with ship transported freight sourced from the UK government agency DEFRA. The…
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for ship freighting can now be found /here The category /transport/ship/generic/freight/ghgp contains data on…
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for ship transport can be found here . This category allows users to calculate greenhouse gas emissions from a ship journe…
The category /transport/ship/generic contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with ship-based passenger transport. This category provides CO2 emissions only and sho…
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for ship-based freighting can be found here. This category uses the most recent Defra data and advice to calculate emissio…
The category /transport/byFuel/ipcc/ship contains data and a methodology sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for calculating emissions associat…
This page represents a greenhouse gas emissions methodology for the freighting of goods. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK government department DEFRA, as…
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with passenger transport. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK government department DEFRA, a…
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for ship freighting can now be found /here The category /transport/ship/generic/freight/ghgp/other contains d…
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for ship freighting can now be found /here The category /transport/ship/generic/freight/ghgp/other contains d…
NB: this site contains methodologies, models, data and calculators that are in development as a prototype service.
As such, you must not rely on it to be up to date with the latest information.
If you would like to get involved in using, developing or supporting this service, please get involved.