You searched for ‘tags:fugitive’, here's what we found…

Abandoned underground mines [/business/processes/fugitive/mining/underground/abandoned]
The category /business/processes/fugitive/mining/underground/abandoned contains data and methodologies for calculating the fugitive methane emissions from abandoned underground min…
Fugitive emissions [/business/processes/fugitive]
The category /business/processes/fugitive contains data on intentional or unintentional emissions of greenhouse gases associated with the extraction, processing and delivery of fos…
Fugitive emissions from mining [/business/processes/fugitive/mining]
The category /business/processes/fugitive/mining contains data and methodologies for calculating fugitive greenhouse emissions associated with coal mining, sourced from the 2006 IP…
Methane flaring [/business/processes/fugitive/methaneflaring]
General industry methodology, methane flaring. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions based on the quantity of methane flared. Globally applicable. Summary Thi…
Oil and gas fugitive emissions [/business/processes/fugitive/oilandgas]
Fugitive emissions methodology, underground mining. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions based on the quantity of oil or gas processed. …
Underground mining [/business/processes/fugitive/mining/underground]
Fugitive emissions methodology, underground mining. Calculates methane (CH4) emissions based on the quantity of coal produced. Globally applicable. Summary This methodology represe…
User defined abandoned mines [/business/processes/fugitive/mining/underground/abandoned/defined]
Fugitive emissions methodology, abandoned underground mines. Calculates methane (CH4) emissions based on the time since mine abandonment. Globally applicable. Summary This methodol…
Surface mining [/business/processes/fugitive/mining/surface]
Fugitive emissions methodology, surface mining. Calculates methane (CH4) emissions based on the quantity of coal produced. Globally applicable. Summary This methodology represents …