You searched for ‘tags:electricity’, here's what we found…

Nordic Electricity Residual Mix Disclosure Nordic Domain [/business/energy/electricity/nordic/nordicdom]
Electricity disclosure for residual grid mixes in the Nordic countries. Summary This dataset represents the data from the Electricity Disclosure for the Residual Mixes 2010 for the…
UK energy [/home/energy/uk]
This category contains CO2 emissions data associated with energy consumption specific to the UK.
UK energy by supplier [/home/energy/uk/suppliers]
This category contains data on the CO2 intensity of electricity supplied to the UK grid by specific providers. Annual values for emissions intensity (i.e. kg CO2 per kWh) are avail…
US Energy by state [/home/energy/us/state]
Here the CO2 emissions are calculated from the energy consumption (default units kWh/year) entered by the user, multiplied by the CO2 produced per kWh dependent on the state select…
Real Time Electricity User specified [/home/energy/electricity/realTimeIntermediate]
The carbon intensity of electricity is related to the specific method of generation used (e.g. coal, gas, nuclear, wind), and therefore the CO2 emissions associated with national o…
Electricity [/home/energy/electricity]
The data in this category is used to determine the emission factor to apply to electrical device usage based on the country specified in metadata profile item, defaulting to the UK…
US energy by price [/home/energy/us/price]
This category contains data on the CO2 emissions associated with energy consumption in the US specified on the basis ($)
Electricity Generation Emission Factors [/home/energy/electricity/realTimeElectricity/fuelEmissionFactors]
This category contains CO2 emissions factors for each electricity generation method used to supply grid electricity. It is a look-up category and so profile items should not be cre…
EPA eGRID by NERC region [/business/energy/electricity/epa/nerc]
Grid electricity emissions methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e), other nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur …
Oven [/home/appliances/cooking/oven]
This methodology contains energy consumption and CO2 emissions data associated with the use of domestic ovens. It is based on a hybrid model drawing on data from both the MTP datas…
Real Time Electricity [/home/energy/electricity/realTimeElectricity]
The carbon intensity of electricity is related to the specific method of generation used (e.g. coal, gas, nuclear, wind), and therefore the CO2 emissions associated with national o…
Light bulb by wattage [/home/lighting/specific]
This methodology enables the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of internal lighting. This calculation is based on the wattage of light bulbs and the d…
EPA eGRID by Power Control Area [/business/energy/electricity/epa/pca]
Grid electricity emissions methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e), other nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur …
Electricity by DEFRA [/business/energy/electricity/defra]
The category at /business/energy/electricity/defra provides a rich dataset and calculation methodologies for greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production, transmission a…
EPA eGRID by state [/business/energy/electricity/epa/state]
Grid electricity emissions methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e), other nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur …
Energy in Ireland by supplier [/home/energy/ireland/suppliers]
This category contains CO2 emissions data for domestic energy consumption associated with specific suppliers in Ireland. Only domestic energy suppliers are included here. A good so…
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Combined Heat and Power [/business/energy/chp/ghgp]
Combined heat and power methodology. Calculates intensities of greenhouse gas emissions for steam and electricity produced at CHP facilities. UK and US applicable Summary This meth…
UK energy reductions [/home/energy/uk/reductions]
This data represents actions that result in reductions of CO2 emissions. These tips make broad assumptions about typical usage of various items in the UK. Given detailed informatio…
Heating US [/home/heating/us]
This category contains data items for describing home heating and air conditioning in the US based on survey data for 2001. Profile items return kgCO2 emission figures for various …
US Subregion Electricity [/business/energy/us/subregion]
Grid electricity methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and CO2e emissions associated with the generation of grid electricity. Choices inc…