This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for US light goods transport with alternative fuels can be found here The category /transport/van/generic/ipcc/us/alternativefuels…
This category is now deprecated. All of the functionality of this category, with more update and comprehensive data, can be found under the specific DEFRA category for motorcycles …
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for US motorcycle transport can be found here The category /transport/motorcycle/generic/ipcc/us contains data on greenhouse gas e…
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for European bus transport can be found here The category /transport/bus/generic/ipcc/europe contains data on greenhouse gas emiss…
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for US bus transport can be found here The category /transport/bus/generic/ipcc/us contains data on greenhouse gas emissions assoc…
The term minibus refers to a vehicle designed to carry between 7 to 15 passengers. Small minibuses are sometimes called people carriers and many minibuses are variants on models of…
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of road vehicles as differentiated by their size. The data and calculation methodology originates from …
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of road vehicles as differentiated by their market segment. The data and calculation methodology origin…
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for US large goods vehicle transport with alternative fuels can be found here The category /transport/lgv/generic/ipcc/us/alternat…
This methodology provides data and a calculation methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with US road vehicles - specifically cars, motorcycles, and light a…
This methodology provides data and a calculation methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with European road vehicles - specifically cars, buses, motorcycles…
This page represents a greenhouse gas emissions methodology for the freighting of goods. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK government department DEFRA, as…
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with passenger transport. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK government department DEFRA, a…
This methodology provides data and a calculation methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with US road vehicles - specifically cars, motorcycles, and light a…
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for US large goods vehicle transport with conventional fuels can be found here The category /transport/lgv/generic/ipcc/us/convent…
NB: this site contains methodologies, models, data and calculators that are in development as a prototype service.
As such, you must not rely on it to be up to date with the latest information.
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