The Specific plane transport category contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with over 140 specific jet, turboprop and military aircraft types. The data and calcu…
The EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook (formerly referred to as the EMEP CORINAIR emission inventory guidebook) provides guidance on estimating emissions from both…
The category transport/plane/specific/turboprop contains data on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of 26 types of turboprop-engine aircraft, sourced from the EMEP/CORINAIR Emi…
The category transport/plane/specific/jet contains data on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of jet-engine aircraft, sourced from the EMEP/CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guideboo…
The category transport/plane/specific/military contains data on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of several aircraft types associated with the military, sourced from the EMEP…
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