You searched for ‘tags:IAI’, here's what we found…

Lime [/business/processes/production/lime]
This provides data and calculation methodologies to facilitate the measurement and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from lime manufacturing. Major consumption of li…
Aluminium [/business/processes/production/aluminium]
Discover provides several categories for calculating and monitoring greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary production of Aluminium and related processes. These methodolog…
Aluminium alternative [/business/processes/production/aluminium/alternative]
This category provides an 'alternative method' for calculating aluminium-related CO2 emissions, based on the carbon content of materials consumed. This methodology is sourced from …
Aluminium soda ash [/business/processes/production/aluminium/sodaAsh]
This category provides a methodology for calculating CO2 emissions from the consumption of soda ash in the aluminium industry. This methodology is sourced from the WRI Greenhouse G…
IAI lime production [/business/processes/production/lime/production/iai]
The category business/processes/production/lime/production/iai provides a methodology for calculating the emissions associated with lime production. The methodology is sourced from…
Coke calcination [/business/processes/production/aluminium/coke]
The category /business/processes/production/aluminium/coke provides a methodology for calculating the emissions associated with coke calcination. The methodology is sourced from Th…