UK energy by price

[edit / update model]
This category contains CO2 emissions data associated with energy consumption in the UK, specified by price (£)

Setting the season profile item value to one of spring, summer, autumn or winter, will mean the monthly value will be adjusted according to the factors given in /home/energy/uk/seasonal.

5H17OL5BMRVK biomass
LHESBJT86848 coal
I6TCATP8K7B2 coking coal
2LL5YOBNTRLD electricity, direct debit
HXP7WPHB8PYQ electricity, normal
CDKYMJ64KGRS electricity, prepayment
A4W7MWR84J2G electricityE7, direct debit
B4TAA42861ND electricityE7, normal
LWRH2PUP76SN electricityE7, prepayment
LXXZWZYE9J4V gas, direct debit
AUWLDEA3UVYD gas, normal
POACMQWLX22C gas, prepayment
3KRW0TB4PHA1 oil
Amount spent on energy
Set "true", to specify usage of a green tariff
Set "true", to specify that energy consumption includes heating
Number of fuel deliveries
Frequency of payment for energy costs ("monthly","quarterly",)
Season on which consumption is based ("spring","summer","autumn","winter")