Seasonal energy adjustment factors

[edit / update model]


It most cases it is preferable to create a profile item in /home/energy/quantity and set its season value rather than a creating a profile item in this category.


Profile items in this category convert a quarterly value for a season to a seasonally adjusted annual equivalent. For example, the algorithm multiplies a gas value for the summer quarter by a factor of 8.33 to obtain the annual figure. Simply multiplying a summer quarterly value by 4 would lead to an underestimate of the annual usage because energy consumption is lowest in the summer.

Note that no units for the fuel type is assumed. This means you can give the profile item a quarterly figure in any units, e.g. usage in litres or kWh or currency or even a quarterly CO2 figure, and it will return a monthly value in the same units.


If you use 1000 kWh of gas during autumn and want to know an equivalent annual total which includes seasonal weighting, you would create an item name=autumn&energy=gas, with usagePerQuarter=1000. The return value will be 8196 meaning that the annual equivalent is 8196 kWh.

Seasons and months

The mapping of months to seasons in this category reflects the assumptions made in the source data, but is not intuitive. As such, this category's authority is set to recommended. An alternative assignment (with identical data) is available in this category.

2S1ZZQ5C3YBB autumn, electricity
N64AQVRABOWX autumn, electricityWithHeating
KZP8K1XLMMA0 autumn, gas
4E82B3TL6N9C autumn, oil
5Y4RT8GWBE26 autumn, solidFuel
8KXFTOR8R5B1 spring, electricity
8GFODW6YY4YG spring, electricityWithHeating
HOHQ1RMCLEIW spring, gas
B4UOAM4JHXYS spring, oil
4AU0LXU10ZEE spring, solidFuel
2IS3ZDNPIX48 summer, electricity
LH6FI2GBECK5 summer, electricityWithHeating
UTNQA8PCDLO4 summer, gas
TXX7IWMW72IC summer, oil
09G2Z93DJ3EZ summer, solidFuel
MXGJ9G800710 winter, electricity
Y9C96NC00UOR winter, electricityWithHeating
CO081FXUWD9Y winter, gas
JJ1IVHX3Y348 winter, oil
9PJEPCKPPJGP winter, solidFuel
Energy consumed per quarter