Transport fuel

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The category at /transport/byFuel includes data for the mobile burning of a variety of fuels taken from parts of several of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol worksheets. See below for details on subcategories with alternative fuel-based data and methodologies.

The primary category contains data on greenhouse gas emissions associated with numerous types of fuel when burned in the context of transportation. Alternative emissions factors are available for each fuel type, from sources including the IPCC, the UK government agency DEFRA, and the US Energy Information Administration. Users have the option of specifying fuel quantities in terms of energy, volume or mass.

Data for the mobile burning of fuels within this category is taken from parts of several of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol worksheets, including.

  • CO2 emissions from transport or mobile sources (v1.3)
  • Emissions from employee commuting (v2.0)
  • CO2 emissions from business travel (v2.0)
  • GHG emissions from pulp and paper mills (v1.3)
To use this category, use drill-downs to specify the fuel type burned and the version of the emission factor you wish to use. The GHG protocol provides alternative emission factors for several fuels based on a number of sources:

  • IPCC 06, CO2e, ibid, including nitrous oxide and methane emissions.
  • Country values for coal - UNEP Guidelines 2000
Once the fuel and version have been chosen, specify any one of the following profile values for your item:

  • NRG
  • Mass
  • Volume
(Do not use more than one of NRG, mass and volume)

Note that these figures are for technologies typically used for mobile combustion in transport. For stationary combustion of the same fuels, see Stationary_Combustion

FP1IJ67QVN16 Anthracite, EIA
Energy produced in combustions
Mass of fuel used
Volume of fuel used