Other regional car transport

[edit / update model]
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for other regional car transport can now be found here

The Other regional car transport category represent data and methodology from the GHGP worksheet Mobile Combustion GHG Emissions Calculation Tool v2.0, and allows the user to calculate emissions from a non-UK or US car journey depending on the fuel powering the car.

To use this category, the user selects the fuel type using the fuelType drill option, from the following options.

  • diesel
  • gasoline

The distance is then set as a profile item value.

The algorithm returns a kg CO2 value for the selected distance and vehicle type.

Users can opt to share emissions amongst passengers by setting the number of passengers using the occupancy profile item value. Setting multiple passengers will result in the emissions per passenger being returned. If not set, Discover will return the emissions assocated with the entire vehicle.

Distance travelled