Methanol production

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The category at business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/methanol provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of methanol. The methodology provides two ways to calculate, based on either: (1) the quantity of feedstock inputs to the production process; or (2) the quantity of methanol produced. This methodology represents the Tier 1 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).

How to use this category

Selecting an emissions scenario

To use this category, specify the feedstock type and process using the feedstock, process and processSubtype drill choices.

Specifying activity data

Next, choose between specifying the quantity of methanol produced or the quantity of feedstock consumed. To specify the quantity of methanol produced, set this quantity using the mass profile item value. Alternatively, specify the quantity of feedstock - expressed in terms of an energy quantity - using the energy profile item value. Users should note that the latter option is not valid for the 'conventional steam reforming with integrated ammonia production' option given an absence of data in the IPCC source documentation.

Results and calculation

The quantities returned represent the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the quantities specified. The following quantities are returned:

  • CO2: absolute quantity of CO2 emissions for the quantities specified
  • CH4: absolute quantity of CH4 emissions for the quantities specified
  • CO2e: CO2e emissions (absolute emissions converted using the appropriate global warming potential)

VXN0J0KY2A9X coal, partial oxidation
XG4PNVK4AJON default, default
HEYHD2WSJKW9 lignite, partial oxidation
2YMOD67ZD7OT natural gas, conventional steam reforming, Lurgi combined
N1QYCMS9G4P9 natural gas, conventional steam reforming, Lurgi conventional
1TJGPF4E830V natural gas, conventional steam reforming, Lurgi low pressure
WVMIW6BXQO9G natural gas, conventional steam reforming, Lurgi mega methanol
U5A8LRE35NKE natural gas, conventional steam reforming, with integrated ammonia production
G5RMKPDIPCOZ natural gas, conventional steam reforming, with primary reformer
X0Q2JLH1TIXS natural gas, conventional steam reforming, without primary reformer
TYT1K6DXSMN9 oil, partial oxidation
Quantity of feedstock consumed
Quantity of methanol produced