Lead production
[edit / update model]Discover allows the user to calculate emissions from lead produced by Direct Smelting (DS), from the Imperial Smelting Furnace (ISF) and from secondary materials. Each of these exists as a drill-down option in this category, so can be calculated individually. To use this category use the leadProductionBySource drill-down to select the lead source or furnace type from the following options:
- default
- imperial smelt furnace (ISF) production
- direct smelting (DS) production
- treatment of secondary raw materials
The only required profile item value is the quantity of lead produced, productQuantity. The emission factor for each source and furnace type has a default value provided, but this can be over-ridden, using the massCO2PerMassProduct profile item value, by the user if more precise, site or country-specific values are known. Over-riding the default values represents the Tier 2 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP) and should be used where users have facility-specific data.
UID | Label |
M60255RQHJOV | default |
MMY2JXZS4I1V | direct smelting (DS) production |
XI1TJQAP7EVA | imperial smelt furnace (ISF) production |
RW16WVFOOM9R | treatment of secondary raw materials |