Generic titanium dioxide production
[edit / update model]To use this category, select the type of titanium dioxide using the product drill choice.
Next, specify the quantity of titanium dioxide produced using the mass profile item value. The returned amount represents CO2 emissions associated with this quantity, based on the default emissions factor for the type specified.
Users can override the default emissions factor and specify their own quantity for CO2 emissions per quantity of titanium dioxide produced if facility-specific data are available. To set this value, use the massCO2PerMass profile item value. Users should note that, following IPCC methodology, the 'titanium slag' drill choice does not include a default emissions factor and therefore users of this option must specify their own using the massCO2PerMass profile item value.
UID | Label |
FOAAW6I5QMMO | rutile titanium dioxide (chloride route) |
8RU1KVJPJS1G | synthetic rutile |
0A2KM09QP07M | titanium slag |