Generic lighting

[edit / update model]
This methodology enables the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of internal lighting. This category is based on typical energy consumption per year of light bulbs, together with emissions data associated with grid electricity production and consumption. Currently, this category contains data applicable to the United Kingdom.

To make a calculation, select a location and a type of light bulb ('standard' or 'low energy') using the location and type drill choice. Next, specify the number of light bulbs using the number parameter. The returned value represents annual CO2 emissions associated with this number of bulbs, based on typical annual energy consumption per bulb and the emissions factors for electricity generation and consumption in the specified location (i.e. the location drill choice).

Overriding the location

This category uses two location-dependent values for calculating greenhouse gas emissions: (1) a value for 'typical' annual energy consumption per light bulb; and (2) an emissions factor for grid electricity generation to convert this energy consumption into a quantity of greenhouse gas emissions. Both values correspond with the location indicated by the location drill choice. In the case of the location-specific grid electricity emissions factor, users can override the default location and specify an alternative country, with Discover applying the appropriate emissions factor. It should be understood, however, that this approach involves combining the 'typical' energy consumption habits of one location with the electricity generation and consumption properties of another.

To set a different location, set the country name or ISO code in the country parameter. In this case, Discover will lookup the appropriate grid electricity emissions factor from the this dataset. If calculations are stored using profiles, the country can be specified within the profile metadata. Users should note, however, that directly specified country parameters override any set as profile metadata.

9XZ5OCBG8D71 united kingdom, low energy
5CJYXSDCHMEU united kingdom, standard
Set a country to override the location electricity factor
Number of light bulbs used