Generic glass production

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The category /business/processes/production/glass/generic contains data and a methodology for calculating the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of generic, representative type of glass, sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

Only glass manufactured from primary raw materials is considered as a net contributor to atmospheric CO2, and therefore there is an option for specifying the proportion of the furnace charge represented by recycled scrap glass (termed 'cullet'). A typical value for the 'cullet ratio' is assumed unless otherwise specified. In the case that no cullet is used, then the cullet ratio should be specifically set to 0 in order to override the default value.

To use this category, select the type of glass using the type drill option, then specify the quantity of glass produced using the massProduced profile item value. The returned value represents CO2 emissions associated with this production - discounting a proportion typically represented by cullet (this typical value differs between glass types). To specify a different cullet ratio, enter the value, as a percentage between 1-100, using the culletRatio profile item value.

The data item represented by the 'unknown' drill option is an average value to be used when the glass type is not known. The assumed cullet ratio for this data item is 0.

TJCHO2OMMW66 container, amber/green
K29PZ5ART1MN container, flint
JIDPHKNUFEU2 fiberglass, e-glass
13XREOC5W5BU fiberglass, insulation
4UY3HBMJ99CA float
O4AEH61L9ENM specialty, lab/pharma
OYPD87LB47EM specialty, lighting
QFWOJQW81KFR specialty, tableware
ORCFCLKSD5SW specialty, tv funnel
2X39MLQS86EW specialty, tv panel
DNCIPQ2LO030 unknown
Proprtion of secondary glass used
Quantity of glass produced