This category is now deprecated. This category represents outdated Greenhouse Gas Protocol data for freighting. New freighting data can be found at the following pages:

The category at ''/transport/byDistance/freight'' includes data for carriage of freight taken from parts of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol worksheet ''CO2 emissions from transport or mobile sources'' (v1.3)

To use this category, use drill-downs to specify the type and subtype for the vehicle used. The GHG protocol provides alternative emission factors for transport compiled from a number of sources, as indicated in the worksheet.

Once the type and context have been chosen, specify the following profile values for your item:

  • distance
  • mass
There are some additional categories in AMEE for freight. Because these are based on per-mass-distance emission factors, and the GHG protocol permits users to define their own emissions factors, a GHGP compliant tool may also use these categories.

6JDATY5TXNKE Coal, Train
8JHUATJ6U0T1 Diesel, Train
VEY7OOBHG6BK Electric, Train
Distance freight transported
Mass of freight transported