Ethylene production
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The category at business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/ethylene provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the steam cracking process. This category covers the production of several types of hydrocarbon (e.g. ethylene, propylene, butadiene), aggregated and expressed in terms of ethylene production. The methodology is based on default emissions factors for CO2 and CH4 emissions per unit production together with an adjustment factor to account for differences in the energy efficiency of steam cracking units across different geographic locations. This methodology represents the Tier 1 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).
How to use this category
Selecting an emissions scenario
To use this category, specify the feedstock type, the process type and the geographic region using the feedstock, process and region drill choices. The process drill choice represents, variously, emissions associated with feedstock consumption, supplemental energy consumption or a combination of both of these.
Specifying activity data
Next, specify the quantity of ethylene produced using the mass profile item value.
Results and calculation
The quantities returned represent the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the specified quantity of steam cracking production (represented by ethylene production). The following quantities are returned:
- CO2: absolute quantity of CO2 emissions for the quantity specified
- CH4: absolute quantity of CH4 emissions for the quantity specified
- CO2e: CO2e emissions (absolute emissions converted using the appropriate global warming potential)
UID | Label |
QZ1WHA0GPJ4E | butane, process only feedstock, africa |
PFIFAIQRU99K | butane, process only feedstock, asia |
K6OVWZQ1Z5JG | butane, process only feedstock, australia |
AQXUDED2MFC6 | butane, process only feedstock, eastern europe |
PUXWA5RUQK3J | butane, process only feedstock, japan and korea |
JOAG29OC0QVK | butane, process only feedstock, north america |
A9X8QNLQMAOL | butane, process only feedstock, russia |
E8DFLTHCW654 | butane, process only feedstock, south america |
I03F5530BAJ4 | butane, process only feedstock, western europe |
OMZ17GGTABQW | butane, supplemental energy only feedstock, africa |
JXHCNAKF584N | butane, supplemental energy only feedstock, asia |
FFDZRCFB36CJ | butane, supplemental energy only feedstock, australia |
QEG11EEZG9JE | butane, supplemental energy only feedstock, eastern europe |
K3V4SKIUHMIY | butane, supplemental energy only feedstock, japan and korea |
KOT5D1W9MI0I | butane, supplemental energy only feedstock, north america |
MWYJH3KAFV0G | butane, supplemental energy only feedstock, russia |
Q4ZN3FSDEE59 | butane, supplemental energy only feedstock, south america |
CLUPQO7TMO4A | butane, supplemental energy only feedstock, western europe |
BJNWX1CJJL5E | butane, total feedstock, africa |
2G89UAWEVWGJ | butane, total feedstock, asia |