Acrylonitrile production

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The category at business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/acrylonitrile provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of acrylonitrile. The methodology provides two ways to calculate, based on either: (1) the quantity of propylene feedstock inputs to the production process; or (2) the quantity of acrylonitrile produced. This methodology represents the Tier 1 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).

How to use this category

Selecting an emissions scenario

To use this category, specify the process type using the process drill choice.

Specifying activity data

Next, choose between specifying the quantity of acrylonitrile produced or the quantity of feedstock consumed. To specify the quantity of acrylonitrile produced, set this quantity using the mass profile item value. Alternatively, specify the quantity of feedstock using the massFeedstock profile item value.

Results and calculation

The quantities returned represent the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the quantities specified. The following quantities are returned:

  • CO2: absolute quantity of CO2 emissions for the quantities specified
  • CH4: absolute quantity of CH4 emissions for the quantities specified
  • CO2e: CO2e emissions (absolute emissions converted using the appropriate global warming potential)

6T6ZM3NZGOVJ acetonitrile and hydrogen cyanide recovered as product
W4Q5QJUP30G9 acetonitrile burned for energy recovery/flared
PFMA13RH9U9R secondary products burned for energy recovery/flared
Quantity of acrylonitrile produced
Quantity of feedstock consumed