Pulp and Paper
[edit / update model]
This category provides data and a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from pulp and paper manufacturing. These methodologies and their associated data are sourced from the WRI Greenhouse Gas protocol worksheets but ultimately follow the methodology published by the Climate Change Working Group of The International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA).
Direct emissions from the manufacture of pulp and paper can be calculated using the direct emissions subcategory. Users should be aware that emissions from the stationary combustion of fuels in the paper industry can be established using the stationary combustion category.
Emissions arising from the combustion of biomass can be calculated using the biomass emissions category. This calculation considers the CH4 and N2O emissions from a variety of biomass scenarios.
To calculate the biogenic CO2 emissions associated with the burning of pulping liquors, users can use the pulping liquor consumption category.