Other waste combustion
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The category /business/waste/combustion/other contains data and methodologies sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the burning of several generic types of industrial waste ('industrial', 'clinical', 'sewage sludge', 'fossil liquids').
CO2 which derives from recently sequestered carbon sources and fossil sources are differentiated, since their net impact on atmospheric CO2 concentrations in distinct.
How to use this category
Selecting an emissions scenario
To use this category, select the waste type using the type drill choice.
Specifying activity data
Next, set the quantity of waste burned using the mass profile item value. The mass of waste should reflect the dry mass in all cases except the 'fossil liquid waste' drill choice in which case the mass represents wet weight.
Results and calculation
The values returned represent CO2 emissions associated with the waste quantity specified. The following discrete values are returned:
- fossilCO2: CO2 emissions which derived from fossil carbon
- biogenicCO2: CO2 emissions which derived from recently sequestered, biogenic carbon
- totalCO2: fossil and biogenic carbon
UID | Label |
J9CL7P5TZ25C | clinical waste |
9PJSVN0HDB1W | fossil liquid waste |
S9X1ZT3OGCIN | industrial waste |
8MDX1GV7CE9W | sewage sludge |