Industrial waste combustion

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The category /business/waste/combustion/industrial contains data and methodologies sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the burning of industrial waste.

Users can choose between several industrial sectors including the paper, textiles, food, and construction industries. Discover calculates CO2 emissions based on the typical carbon content of each waste type (sourced from Chapter 2 of the same volume) and assuming 100% combustion. CO2 which derives from recently sequestered carbon sources and fossil sources are differentiated, since their net impact on atmospheric CO2 concentrations in distinct.

How to use this category

Selecting an emissions scenario

To use this category, select the industry sector using the industry drill choice.

Specifying activity data

Next, set the quantity of waste burned using the mass profile item value. Discover assumes that the weight specified is the dry weight of the waste burned. Users can alternatively use the wet weight by setting the isWetWeight profile item value to 'true', in which case AMEE will convert wet weight into dry weight using typical water content data for each sector.

Results and calculation

The values returned represent CO2 emissions associated with the waste quantity specified. The following discrete values are returned:

  • fossilCO2: CO2 emissions which derived from fossil carbon
  • biogenicCO2: CO2 emissions which derived from recently sequestered, biogenic carbon
  • totalCO2: fossil and biogenic carbon


Methane emissions

The IPCC methodology does not provide CH4 emissions factors for waste combustion disaggregated into individual industry sectors. Rather, the IPCC documentation refers users to the methodology for stationary fuel combustion. The stationary combustion methodology only specifies greenhouse gas emissions from generic waste types (municipal, industrial) on an energetic basis and so calculations made on the basis of a specific mass of waste are not possible ('typical' calorific values for these generic wastes are not available given the large variability in industrial wastes). As such, this category considers only CO2 emissions. For generic waste combustion emissions calculations which include CH4 as well as N2O, users are referred to this methodology.

ONCKIU1INH8K construction and demolition
HRVN9N5LX5U9 food/beverages/tobacco
VX9P91AEW912 petroleum products/solvents/plastics
01Y11CR23R9T pulp and paper
A27DRS7SM9MB rubber
106639EK8WEE textile
M5NQ0FI5P0KB wood/wood products
This item is now deprecated
Set to 'true' to indicate quantity is specified on a wet-weight basis
Quantity of waste burned