Electricity gas

[edit / update model]
Grid electricity methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with gas-fired electricity generation by country.


This methodology represents CO2 emissions associated with the gas-fired production of grid electricity in specific countries and other international jurisdictions. The data is sourced from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol worksheet for GHG emissions from purchased electricity (Version 2.1; published June 2009), based on data published by the International Energy Agency IEA.

The methodology

Emissions model

Electricity is produced by a variety of energy sources, including fossil fuel combustion (coal, natural gas, oil), nuclear fission, and renewable sources (e.g. hydro, wind, solar). These sources produce greenhouse gases and other pollutants to differing extents. This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with gas-fired power-generation specifically.

The methodology is based upon emissions factors which represent the rate at which emissions occur in relation to quantities of electricity generated. Multiplying a quantity of electricity generated by these emissions factors results in an estimate of the emissions associated with that quantity.

Model data

The emissions intensity of oil-fired plants varies by geographic region. 100 distinct countries and other international jurisdictions are described by time-series of historical annual emissions factors for CO2 (2000-2006).

Activity data required

The quantity of electricity generated is required to make a calculation.

Calculation and result

The quantity returned represents the CO2 emissions associated with the country/region and energy quantity specified.

5CBKZPHTZ0MX Argentina
MM81A2TWQ4ID Armenia
1H5XGABXF8AC Australia
6UTA4RBZ3DLI Bahrain
WIJISY3Z7ULM Bangladesh
0UM5E55VT2CG Belarus
0I2PDECN0M4W Belgium
7SYTAF4N2OJ8 Bolivia
I9V3U7SEWR2H Bosnia-Herzegovina
4FKN342T6VW9 Brazil
9JQ839GH1YBF Brunei Darussalam
4EIC2TTI5FVI Bulgaria
M75P3FY5SJZH Canada
7H6S73ZO85XD Chile
MTQUNLOA3CWL China (including Hong Kong)
ODBKOAT030VB Colombia
The quantity of energy generated per unit time