Bus generic Defra

[edit / update model]
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for passenger bus transport can be found by following this link.

This category uses the most recent Defra data and advice to calculate emissions from UK bus journeys. The most accurate way to measure emissions is by fuel use using the Fuel category. But often, particularly for public transport journeys, this data is not available. Therefore, this category allows the user to estimate their greenhouse gas emissions based on the distance travelled.

How to use this category

Use the drill-down type to select the type of bus used for the journey from the following options.

  • typical
  • local
  • london
  • coach
The user must then enter a distancePerJourney as a profile item value. Other optional profile item values that can be used are:

  • isReturn - is the journey a return journey, true or false? If true ('true') the number of journeys is multiplied by two. Default false.
  • numberOfJourneys - Emissions for selected journey are multiplied by numberOfJourneys. Default 1.
  • numberOfPassengers - Number of passengers that the calculation is taking into account. Emissions for selected journey are multiplied by numberOfPassengers. Default 1.


CO2eEmissionFactor = CO2EF + CO2eEFForCH4 + CO2eEFForN2O

CO2e = CO2eEmissionFactor * distancePerJouney * numberOfJourneys * numberOfPassengers

The result is kgCO2e emissions for the selected journeys. This includes contributions from carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane.